Martin Zeschke

Martin Zeschke

My name is Martin Zeschke and I live in Germany.

I think it was 2 years ago that I discovered the Thermalution heating vests. The occasion was a diving instructor course in Munich in November. As I had been in the water for a very long time on these courses and was very frozen at one point, despite having good equipment, I decided that I wanted to try something new. Hoping to find something that would save me and keep me warm. And so I came across Thermalution and tested out several vests. I use both the Yellow Grade and the Red Grade Ultra.

First, I tested the "Yellow Grade Vest" in the pool and was thrilled. It feels like someone is running warm water over your back (lovely). The remote control worked perfectly and the vibration of the receiver was clearly felt and let me clearly feel which heating level I was on.

I then tested the "Red Grade Ultra" in the lake. Here, too, I really like the fact that you can go into the water without heating at first.
Then, when you notice in the water that you are getting a little cooler, you put on the vest. Again, the transmitter and receiver work perfectly.

I had the Aladin G2 from Scubapro with a chest sensor (which also measures temperature).
I was getting a bit cold and indeed noticed that according to the sensor my body temperature dropped by about 2 °C. This made me think, I put the vest on and the infrared heat on my back caused my body temperature to increase again. So I thought, I'll put the vest on and the infrared heat on my back will raise my body temperature again. So that was wonderful.

As a high-end product, the Red Grade Ultra is of course absolute luxury. But in times when you dive more in local waters, it is the luxury that makes diving a pleasure. It's also nice that I can stay totally relaxed when my candidates need a bit more time for their tasks: I just lift my heated vest a step higher 😉 .

A friend of mine uses the "Red Grade" as a diving instructor in Egypt and she also told me that she is very satisfied with the heated vest.
My conclusion about the Thermalution heating vests is only positive!
I would say it was the best purchase of my diving gear in winter 2018/2019 and now I still get very happy with it 🙂

Martin Zeschke - PADI Platinum Course Director - Trimix Instr. Trainer - IAC Instructor - RAZO Instructor



Sealife Benelux B.V.
Nijverheidstraat 6G-Red
3144 CL Maassluis
Tel.: +31 (0)10 59 103 88

Thermalution Europe

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